Page 130 - Pure Life 29
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Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (129

               renovated as its characteristics.        The  essential  progress  in
               All  the  way  through  his           Blake's representation of Urizen
               separated  existence,  Urizen         emanates in “The Four Zoas”,

               has  recollected  a  seed  of  true   where  the  problematic  reason
               light. Although Urizen is in his      is   discovered     within    the
               most degraded form,  he could         framework of a fundamentally
               still  regain  the  divine  light.    refined  Christianity.  In  “The
               Thus, he declares:                    Book  of  Urizen”,  no  hint
               I  lose  my  powers  weakend          indicates  that  the  demiurge

               every revolution till a death         could  perform  positive  action
               Shuts up my powers then a seed        either  in  his  original  union  or
               in the vast womb of darkness          separated state. The poem begins
               I dwell in dim oblivion               with  the  eternal  faculties,  by
                (Blake, 1963, 6-73.8-6-73.10,        this time, falling into a state of
                            E 350)                   separation and chaos. However,
                                                     in  “The  Four  Zoas”,  these
                  In this situation, the visionary

               eye  appears  merely  as  an          undesirable  events  are  reflected
               equivalent  for  creative  union.     against  the  background  of
               Finally, with restrictive “mantles”   infinite,  eternal  existence.  Each
               detached,  light  is  not  limited    passage  of  separated  state  is
               any  more  to  the  vegetative        envisioned as art of an inevitable
               “Eyelid”; rather it turns out to      passage headed for regeneration.
               be  a  power  exposing  the              In addition, the prelapsarian
               complete  form,  as  reason           latent  of  reason  for  good  is

               arranges to join with the other       appreciated as well. Furthermore,
               faculties of spiritual humanity.      light, and subsequently reason
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