Page 112 - Pure Life 30
P. 112

Philosophy of Pilgrimage of … H-S Nateghi and S.S. Shah Naqavi (111

                B.  Prohibition  Stage;  in  the             to  visit  his  mother's
                   early days of Islam, according            grave. You should also
                   to  special  beliefs  and                 visit the graves because

                   polytheism, some people,                  it  reminds  you  of  the
                   especially  the  People  of               Hereafter”.  (Qushayri
                   the Book, prostrated themselves           Naisaburi, 2017)
                   on  the  graves  of  their
                   deceased  parents.  That  is          And  the  Hakim  Naisaburi
                   why it was banned at the           narrates  from  the  Buraidah

                   beginning of Islam.                Aslami that the Prophet visited
                C.  The Stage of Returning to         the grave of his mother with a
                   Abaha; The Prophet said:           thousand angels and I did not
                      “I  forbade  you  from          see  that  day  crying  like  that
                      visiting graves; But there      day. (Hakim Naisaburi, 2002)
                      are  no  prohibitions              Tal'aibn  Abdullah  says:
                      from this time, visit the       We went out of Medina with

                      graves, but do not say          the Messenger of God to visit
                      what causes God's wrath”.       the graves of the martyrs. As
                      (Tabarani, 1986, Vol. 11)       soon  as  we  reached  the  area
                                                      (HarWaqam) we saw the graves
               The Practice of Holy Prophet           and said: O Messenger of God,

               to the Visitation of Graves            no!  Are  these  the  graves  of
               as a Role Model                        our brothers? He said: “These
               Buraidah      Aslami     quotes        graves  are  our  companions”
               Messenger of God; as saying:           and  when  we  reached  the

                      “I  forbade  you  from          graves of the martyrs, he said:
                      visiting  graves;  but          “These graves are our brothers”.
                      Muhammad was allowed            (Abi Dawud, 2002)
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