Page 108 - Pure Life 30
P. 108

Philosophy of Pilgrimage of … H-S Nateghi and S.S. Shah Naqavi (107

                  That is, Imam Husain was            Ahl  al-Bayt  and  the  position
               buried  at  the  site  of  the         of guardianship and Imamate
               current holy shrine, and Hazrat        from  all  sides  gradually

               Ali Akbar (Ali ibn al-Husain)          subsided  to  visit  the  martyrs
               was  buried  at  the  bottom  of       of Karbala.
               his  father's  feet;  Then  they          Imam Baqir and Imam Sadiq
               buried  the  other  martyrs  in        emphasized  on  pilgrimage  to
               the  same  place  and  at  the         their  disciples  and  went  on
               bottom  of  the  foot  next  to        pilgrimage  themselves;  Even

               each  other.  Recently,  their         the  Ashura  pilgrimage  is  for
               burials cannot be seen separately,     Imam Husain and a memorial
               but  they  are  visited  in  the       to Imam Baqir, and there are
               same area.                             other  pilgrimages  left  from
                  The     tomb    of    Hazrat        Imam Sadegh .
               Abolfazl  (Abbas  Ibn  Ali)  is           Shiites have embraced this
               farther  from  them  in                good  tradition,  and  poets,

               “Masnah”  on  the  way  to             speakers,  and  writers  have
               Ghazrieh,  that  is,  in  his          written  poetry,  sermons,  and
               murder. (Mofid, 1993)                  essays  in  addition  to  the
                  The     next    pilgrim    to       greatness  of  pilgrimage,  the
               Karbala; as it is narrated, is a       oppression  of  Imam  Husain,
               companion  of  Jalil  al-Qadr          and the effect of the uprising

               and a pious Shiite, Jabir bins         and immortality of this message
               Abdullah Ansari.                       to  preserve  its  history  in
                  In  the  forty  martyrs  and        Shiite history were noted .
               after  Jabir,  the  flood  of             The message of pilgrimage
               enthusiasts and devotees to the        has worked throughout Shiite
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