Page 86 - Pure Life 30
P. 86

The Nature of Religious Language… M. Mousavi Karimi and H. Tehrani Haeri / (85

               language  might  be  because           initially prior to the equivocal
               Rumi’s  poetical  view  has  a         language. Therefore, regarding
               preference  over  his  mystical        Rumi’s theological belief, the

               view.                                  same  priority  is  seen  in  his
                  The  comparison  between               In  sum,  comparing  the
               equivocal and univocal languages       positions of all four theses in
               shows  that  t  Rumi  believes         “Masnavi”,      it   could    be
               that  in  the  Quran  the  latter      concluded that Rumi’s poetry

               has  been  used  more  than  the       and     mystical     view     is
               former.                                overwhelmingly  superior  to
                  A  proper  explanation  for         his  theological  opinion.  This
               this can be that Rumi, from a          means that Rumi was mainly
               well-known,  kalam  point  of          under the influence of mystics
               view, was theologically Ash’ari.       rather than theologians.
               The followers of this school,             Of course, a valid judgment

               known  as  Asha`irah,  had  a          about Rumi’s view concerning
               kind  of  formalistic  view            religious  language  needs  a
               about the interpretation of the        comprehensive literature survey
               Quran.  They  insisted  that  an       across all his works, whereas
               interpreter  of  the  Quran            in this paper, the scope of the
               should  remain  as  faithful  as       discussion  has  been  limited

               possible  with  regards  to  the       only  to  his  famous  book  of
               apparent meaning of its verses.        “Masnavi”.
                  That  is,  according  to  this         However, regarding Rumi’s
               school, the univocal approach          other great work, “Divan Shams
               toward  religious  language  is        Tabrizi”,  it  can  be  said  that
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