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               82  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 51-89, Spring 2022
                  To  solve  this  problem,  it       different  interpretations.  So,
               should  be  noticed  that  a           there  is  no  inconsistency  in
               variety of reasons, causes and         Rumi’s      view    when      he
               occasions  led  to  the  descent       categorizes  verses    under
               of revelation and the Quran’s          different  theses  of  religious
               verses.  Hence,  semantically,         language.
               it  is  not  the  case  that  all         The  next  point  that  the
               Quran  verses  have  the  same         table  shows  is  that  the
               level  of  complexity  and             symbolic  and  the  equivocal

               obscureness.                           languages  have  the  highest
                  The  Quran  has  indeed             and  the  lowest  weight  in
               mentioned      explicitly   this       “Masnavi” respectively. Also,
               property  of  the  verses    that      the  second  and  the  third
               there are two kinds of verses,         positions belong to analogous
               namely,  precise  verses  and          and univocal languages respectively.
               ambiguous verses. (Ref: Quran,            Now, the important point is

               3: 7)                                  to examine the reason behind
                  This  feature  of  the  verses      this order. In other words, the
               has historically opened a wide         question  is:  why  did  Rumi
               scope  for  the  interpreters  of      interpret  religious  language
               the  Quran,  and  has  provided        mostly  symbolically  in  his
               them     the   possibility    of       poems?

               presenting  a  wide  range  of            To reply to this question, it is
               interpretations.                       worth mentioning again that the
                  In other words, since many          most  important  characteristic
               verses  of  the  Quran  have           of  religious  language  as  a
               multilevel meanings, they accept       symbolic  one  is  to  speak
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