Page 118 - Pure Life 31
P. 118

Islamic Model of Peaceful Coexistence… MR. Dodhiya and M. Ghanbari (117

                  would find me with him?                - “We showed him the Way:
                  (Heydarpoor, 2002)                     whether he be grateful or

                                                         ungrateful (rests on his will).
                   6.  The     Principle     of          (Quran, 76: 3)
                      Engagement          with
                      Different Cultures                 - There is no compulsion
               As  mentioned,  Islam  is  a              in adhering to the Islamic

               religion of rationality therefore,        faith”. (Quran, 2: 256)
               if we come across a culture               Therefore,  Islam  wants

               or  a  custom  that  doesn’t           people to hear, ponder and
               harm      the    interests    of       then follow the best way. It
               humanity  and  doesn’t  go             wants its followers to have
               against the fundamentals of            an  insight  of  what  they

               Islam     and     nor    is   it       follow and to choose goodness
               mentioned in the verses of the         over evil:
               Quran  and  the  narrations,              “Those who eschew Evil,

               then  adhering  to  it  or                and  fall  not  into  its
               ignoring  it  would  be  free             worship,  and  turn  to
               choice.    It  doesn’t  enforce           Allah  (in  repentance),

               its opinion upon others and               for  them  is  Good  News.
               has  left  humanity  free  to             So  announce  the  Good
               choose.  In  the  following,              News  to  My  Servants,

               two examples of the verses                Who  hear  advice  and
               of  the  Holy  Quran  are                 follow  the  best  thereof.
               mentioned:                                Such  are  those  whom

                                                         Allah guideth and such are
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