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               116  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022

               truths.  It  is  required  to             According  to  the  hadith
               flourish by the nourishment            similar to what is mentioned
               of  this  love  to  the  extent        in  the  new  testament,  on
               that one’s love for God fills          the  day  of  Judgement  God

               all of one’s heart and directs         will  ask  some  people  why
               all aspects of one’s life.             they did not visit him when
                  The Love for God can rise           he  was  sick,  why  they  did
               only  through  the  reduction          not feed him whilst he was

               of  our  selfishness.  Only            hungry  and  why  they  did
               after  ridding  ourselves  of          not     give     him      water
               selfishness will we be able            although  he  was  thirsty.

               to achieve the ultimate goal           Those people will ask: how
               of  creation.  Therefore,  we          could these have happened,
               see  that  the  Holy  Prophet          while  you  are  the  Lord  of

               who  was  the  most  in  love          the  entire  universe?  Then
               with  God  was  sent  as  a            God will reply:
               prophet      of    mercy,      a          So  and  so  was  sick  and

               manifestation  of  divine                 you did not visit him, so
               love.  He  used  to  say  the             and  so  was  hungry  and
               famous tradition which says:              you did not feed him and
                  “People  are  all  God’s               so and so was thirsty and

                  family,  so  the  dearest              you did not give water to
                  people to Him are those                him,  did  not  you  know
                  who  benefit  his  family              that  if  you  did  so  you

                  the most”. (Kulayni, 1987)
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