Page 127 - Pure Life 31
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               126  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022
                  “The minimum right they             and  saluted  their  inmates;
                  have  upon  you  is  that           this  is  better  for  you,  that
                  you  love  what  you  love          you  may  be  mindful”,
                  for  yourself  and  do  not         (Quran,  24:  27)  says  the

                  like what you do not like           following:
                  for yourself”. (Majlisi, 1983)         Having  ‘uns’  with  or
                                                         toward something means
                  Our  intellect,  the  third            having       a     peaceful

               source for deriving religious             relationship  and  affinity
               rulings considers transgression           with  it.  Istinas  [in  the
               evil, and therefore, depending            form  istif  ʿal]  means

               upon       the     level      of          “seeking” or “asking for”
               transgression  every  society             such  a  condition  and
               has  certain  laws.  Since                relationship.  It  is  done

               transgression is evil and all             practically by mentioning
               that is evil is prohibited in             God’s  name  or  doing
               Islam one can conclude that               tanahnuh (coughing, clearing
               transgression  in  all  its               the  throat,  hemming,

               forms is prohibited in Islam.             making  a  sound  like
                  Allamah Tabatabai while                “hem”  or  “ahem”)  in
               interpreting  the  verse  “O              order  to  make  the  host

               you  who  believe!  Do  not               realize  one’s  presence
               enter  houses  other  than                and  willingness  to  enter
               your  own  houses  until  you             the house. It is a way of

               have     asked      permission            informing  the  owner  to
               (tastaʾnisu,  from  istinas)
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