Page 130 - Pure Life 31
P. 130

Islamic Model of Peaceful Coexistence… MR. Dodhiya and M. Ghanbari (129

               would  in  turn  worship                  my  religion”.  (Quran,
               Allah  for  the  other  year.             109: 1-6)

               The  prophet  rejected  their
               request, so they said, if you             The verses above clearly

               only  seek  the  blessings  of         indicate that Islam does not
               our  Gods  then  we  would             accept  the  language  of
               accept  your  God  as  well.           force.  It  doesn’t  legitimize
               The  Holy  Prophet  waited             accepting  force  nor does it

               for       the       revelation,        approve  its  adherents  to
               (Makarem  Shirazi,  1995,              resort  to  force.  This  is
               Vol. 27) which said:                   instrumental in a multicultural

                  “In  the  name  of  Allah,          society that people have the
                  Most  Gracious,  Most               freedom  to  do  and  choose
                  Merciful.                           whatever  they  want.  Of

                  Say: O unbelievers!                 Corse,  like  in  any  society,
                  I do not serve that which           there  are  red  lines  that  all
                  you serve,                          citizens  need  to  abide  by

                  Nor  do  you  serve  Him            but people on a social level
                  Whom I serve:                       are  forbidden  to  use  the
                  Nor am I going to serve             language  of  force  even
                  that which you serve,               though  they  might  be

                  Nor  are  you  going  to            witnessed  to  things  they
                  serve Him Whom I serve:             wouldn’t approve of.
                  You  shall  have  your

                  religion and I shall have
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