Page 30 - Pure Life 31
P. 30

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (29

               the truth of religion, which              thee (also) the Message;
               is both out of the group of               that thou mayest explain

               believers. The ignorant should            clearly  to  men  what  is
               be  punished,        and  the             sent  for  them”.  (Quran,

               hypocrisy of the hypocrites               16: 44)
               should  be  avoided,  and  if
               possible, he should be made               It is clear from the word
               known to the believers and             of  God  that  the  Prophet

               informed.                              would not be able to say or
                  On  the  other  hand,  the          make  a  mistake  otherwise
               Almighty God has repeatedly            God  would  not  oblige

               stated  in  the  Holy  Quran           people  to  obey  his  speech
               that obedience to the Prophet          and  interpretation.  That  is
               is the same as obedience to            why the Lord says:

               God; including the following              “Nor does he say (aught)
               verse:                                    of (his own) Desire. It is
                  “He  who  obeys  the                   no  less  than  Inspiration

                  Messenger, obeys Allah”.               sent  down  to  him”.
                  (Quran, 4: 80)                         (Quran, 53: 3-4)
                                                         Therefore, all the words of
                  As  well  as  introducing

               the Prophet as the interpreter         the  Prophet  are  revelation
               and saying:                            and he has never talked due
                  “(We sent them) with Clear          to his emotions and passion.

                  Signs and Scriptures; and           According  to  such  verses,
                  We have sent down unto              all the words of the Prophets,
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