Page 32 - Pure Life 31
P. 32

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (31

                  Allamah  Tabatabai  also            people  through  Prophets
               says:                                  and they must be obeyed.
                  Certainly the purpose  of              Also,   عابتا : derived from
                  obeying  God  is  nothing           the  root   عبت ,  it  means

                  but  the  commandments
                  which he has revealed to            absolute  obedience  and
                  us through his Prophets.            indisputable      pursuit     of
                  But the Prophets has two            someone  or  something.

                  directions:  One  is  to            (Farahidi, 2007, Vol. 1: 76;
                  express a summary of the            Raqib Isfahani, 2004)
                  Word of God to Muslims                 The Almighty God says:

                  by  means  of  expressive              - “Whosoever follows My
                  revelation. Second is that             guidance,  on  them  shall
                  the Prophets has absolute              be no fear”. (Quran, 2: 38)

                  Wilayat  to  order  the                -  “O  my  people!  Obey
                  believers  whatever  is                the messengers”. (Quran,
                  needed      according      to          36: 20)

                  interests. (Tabatabai, 1996,           Allamah  Tabatabai  has
                  Vol. 4: 388)                        said  under  the  verse:

                  Allamah in this statement           “follow  him  that  (so)  ye

               refers to a precise point and          may be guided”, (Quran, 7: 158
               that  God's  commands  are             The meaning of guidance is
               also  taken  into  account  as         to  find  the  ultimate  bliss

               the  Prophet's  commands               which  is  the  same  as
               since  they  are  revealed  to         paradise,  not  the  way  to
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