Page 150 - Pure Life 32
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The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (149

               entertaining  children  and               That is, when you finish
               young        people,       their       something important, focus

               normalization with entertainment       on something else; and pay
               values has the shape of their          attention to your Lord.
               entertainment tendencies and              Also,  religious  scholars

               interests  on  an  emotional           and  Muslim  jurists  in
               level. Physical activity and           introducing  leisure  and
               physical  education  also              entertainment      from      the

               help  a  lot  to  attract  people      point of view of Islam have
               and  gain  knowledge  and              given  criteria,  the  most
               data Regarding recreational            important  of  which  are:

               activities,  it  also  provides        Freedom        from      moral
               movement skills, skills that           corruption,      compatibility
               give a person the opportunity          with  natural  requirements,

               and  ability  to  engage  in           alignment  with  spiritual
               physical  recreation  and              perfection,  production  of
               recreation, which are known            works and functions Positive,
               as  recreational  activities.          having  a  rational  purpose,

               (Nabati and Abdul-Maleki 2016)         rational  controllability,  not
                  The     importance       and        fitting  in  with  fun  and
               value of these times in life           games,  avoiding  indulgence

               is  such  that  it  is  clearly        and  pampering,  observing
               mentioned in the Quran:                moderation  and  avoiding
                  “So  when  you  are  free,          excesses,  avoiding  reality

                  nominate.*And make your             and preferring spiritual joys
                  Lord your exclusive object”.        over physical joys. (Sharifi,
                  (Quran, 94: 7-8)                    2013)
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