Page 155 - Pure Life 32
P. 155
154 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
Leisure Time is a set of important options to fill
activities that a person does Leisure Time.
with desire and enthusiasm
after evaluating the obligations 1. Sport Management
and tasks of work, family Sports management is the
and society, and its purpose process of setting programs
is to rest, have fun, and and monitoring the activities
develop knowledge It is of athletes. Management of
either to perfect one's fun sports activities and the
personality or to reveal facilities in which these
one's talent, creativity, or activities are performed
finally to expand free requires abilities and skills.
participation in society.
(Gholami et al, 2014) department are for people
Leisure activities include who can plan competitions,
a wide range of activities know how sports facilities
such as art, culture, sports, work, supervise the budget
audio-visual, rest and recreation, of sports facilities, use the
social relations, communication many skills and abilities
with nature, study and that exist in the specialized
computer activities, and each areas of other fields. (Parks
of them requires its own et al, 2003)
platforms. (Ateca-Amestoy 2. Concepts of Leisure
et al, 2008) Time
In the meantime, sports People's responses to what
and physical activity are leisure time is are very
considered one of the diverse and this is due to