Page 228 - Pure Life 32
P. 228
Scientometrics Analysis… A. Karimi et al / (227
Also, by thinking about (229 links) with other
the shape of the lines members of the network, and
between the circles, it can therefore the corresponding
be seen that they indicate node has a larger size than
the connection between the the other nodes of the
sets, and the thicker these mentioned cluster.
lines are, the stronger the Cluster number two, which
connection. In the research is shown in green in the
network, 10 clusters and image, with 103 members
13,253 links are formed. and 1990 links, is the
As seen in Fig. 5, in the cluster that ranks second in
network visualization, the terms of establishing links
clusters formed by each of and among this categorie
them are shown in specific gender (204 links) has the
colors. Examining the clusters most links with others.
of ethics education showed Among the all categories,
that cluster number one, Ethics has the most links
which is marked in the red (469 links) with other
circle image, is the largest nodes located in cluster 7.
and the best cluster.
This cluster has 114
thematic categories and 2,670
links, and among the categorie,
culture has the most links