Page 233 - Pure Life 32
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232 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 213-244, Autumn. 2022
The map of the Density The most important of these
visualization of the research topics are: Professional identity,
community shows the co- self-efficacy, public interest,
occurrence of words in transformational leadership,
researchers' articles. social cognition, beneficence,
According to Figure 8. professional values, fraud,
categories such ethics, public policy, professionalization,
Education, corporate social pedagogical issues.
responsibility most influential
categories in the field. Conclusion
Since these categories are The aim of the current
assigned red points on the research is to draw a
thematic map of published
map, these categories are
called the hot spots of this articles in the field of
area . “Ethical Education” and to
In addition to these identify hot and new topics
issues, it should be in this field. Scientometric
mentioned about the scattered review was done in the
and far from the central Science Direct citation profile
areas, which, while being using Excel software. The
related to the whole findings of the first part of
system, can be a new and the research show He said
independent area in the that scientific productions
field of current research, in the field of ethical
and maybe it indicates the education show an upward
review attention of the trend during the years
research towards it. 1999-2022.