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            82  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
            realizing  the  purpose  and              so  do  the  boundaries  of
            essence  of  existence,  thus             thought.  The  world  expands
            attaining true immortality.               as a whole, and what we strive
               It seems that when we look             to accomplish ultimately manifests
            at  what  exists  in  the  world          as  a  visible  perspective  that

            through  the  lens  of  art  and          transforms  the  world  into  an
            ethics,  we  not  only elevate  it        entirely new realm.
            to  sublimity  but  also  elevate            Through  living  in  this

            ourselves,  contemplating  the            manner,  humans  come  to
            truth  of  the  world  from  an           realize that death does not kill
            eternal perspective.                      them;  rather,  they  conquer

               In  this  perspective,  art  and       death  themselves.  This  is  the
            ethics  serve  as  conscious              essence of attaining immortality.
            agents for awakening humanity,            Based  on  this  understanding,

            separating  individuals  from             one can embark on a profound
            superficial perspectives, triviality,     journey  of  personal  growth
            and  emptiness,  transforming             and  development  through  art
            the  world  into  a  magnificent          and     moral      values.    The

            reality, inviting individuals to          importance  of  their  role  in
            growth,  excellence,  and  hope           cultivating enduring virtues in
            at every moment.                          humanity becomes evident.

               By changing one's perspective,            By  opening  our  eyes  to  a
            the world is  transformed  into           different  worldview,  we  can
            a  completely  different  entity,         discover  the  highest  meaning

            surpassing       any     previous         and     motivation       in    the
            boundaries  that  the  observer           tumultuous  life  of  today,
            may  have  had.  As  the                  transcending human existence.

            boundaries of the world shift,
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