Page 82 - Pure Life 34
P. 82

Manifesting the Meaning of Life … S. Azimi Terambanian et al (81

               It is a mode of observation            the  true  meaning  and  values
            that      stems      from       the       of  life,  providing  a  solution

            metaphysical  perspective  of             for overcoming its challenges
            subjectivity towards the world            and difficulties.
            of existence.                                Therefore,       based       on

               In  this  investigation, it  has       Wittgenstein's views, it can be
            been      realized     that     the       concluded  that  the  perfection
            foundation  of  aesthetics  and           of  life  lies  in  attaining

            ethics  lies  in  this  enigmatic         happiness, and engaging with
            encounter      with     existence.        ethical  and  aesthetic  values
            When  faced  with  existence,             provides  the  conditions  for

            humans  are  struck  with  such           achieving this goal.
            wonder  that  only  art  and                 Art  and  ethics,  in  a
            ethics     can     express     this       fundamental  and  profound

            astonishing confrontation. An             way, become inseparable parts
            expression  that  manifests  the          of the concept of eternal life.
            harmony of existence and the              An  individual  who  grasps
            divine will.                              these  two  components  will

               Artistic  works,  as  they             have  a  deeper  understanding
            portray  the  totality  of  the           of  life  and  death.  At  the
            universe,  reflect  its  meaning,         moment  of  death,  the  world

            while     ethics,     being     the       does not change; rather, being
            reflection     of  transcendent           continues, and death becomes
            values beyond the world, will             the  end  of  the  subject  of  the

            align with it.                            entire universe.
               Thus,  ethics  and  aesthetics            Based on this, a fulfilled life
            can be seen  as  Wittgenstein's           will  belong  to  the  individual

            recommendations for revealing             who transcends time and space,
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