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            160   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            This paper is dedicated to the            Author Contributions
            pure soul of the great master,            The      idea     of     research,
            Imam Khomeini, who rebuilt                collecting data, analysis of the
            Islamic       civilization      by        content, and compiling it on a

            representing          a       new         wide level was carried out by
            interpretation  of  mysticism             the  corresponding  author.
            and  politics.  The  present              Since the article  was  derived

            article  is  derived  from  the           from the thesis, the mentioned
            thesis entitled “Imam Khomeini’s          processes       were      fulfilled
            Mystical Thought and Impact               through the supervision of the

            on  the  Islamic  Revolution  of          second author as a supervisor,
            Iran”.  I  hereby  gratitude  is          and the third author helped to
            addressed  to  Dr.  Sharifi  for          enrich  the  paper  by  adding

            his  guidance  and  supervision           new  scientific  suggestions
            during  the  process  of  article         and modifying it based on the
            compilation.                              standard  formats  of  article
                                                      preparation.  Therefore,  the
            Funding                                   authors  contributed  to  the
            The  authors  received  no                paper  revision  and  approved
            financial  support  for  the              the final version.

            research,  authorship,  and  or
            publication of this article.
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