Page 160 - Pure Life 36
P. 160

The Impact of Mysticism … V. Solano-Urrutia et al (159

            mystical  perspective  on  the            But        also       established
            Islamic  Revolution  of  Iran.            institutions that facilitated its

            Viewing the revolution solely             implementation.  In  essence,
            as  a  Modern  movement  that             Imam      Khomeini        was     a
            amalgamated             religious,        modernizer and traditionalist,

            economic, social, and cultural            reviving  seemingly  obsolete
            factors       diminishes       the        terms and theories to address
            significance  of  mysticism  in           Modern challenges.

            shaping  Imam  vision  for  a                Above all, Imam Khomeini
            renewed society.                          embodied        humility       and
               Despite  the  dominance  of            dedication  as  he  strived  to

            jurisprudence-centered                    reconnect  society  with  its
            discussions  and  attempts  to            origins  and  promote  human
            downplay the educational role             perfection. His legacy extends

            of     Islamic      institutions,         far  beyond  his  efforts  to
            Imam Khomeini successfully                bridge  the  gap  between
            introduced  mysticism  to  the            mysticism  and  revolutionary
            public  sphere.  He  not  only            politics,  leaving  an  indelible

            validated  the  19th-century              mark  on  Iranian  society  and
            theory  of  “Wilayat-e  Faqih”            the global stage.
            in  the  contemporary  world;
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