Page 164 - Pure Life 37
P. 164
A Scientometric Analysis on the Ethics Education… A. Karimi et al (163
The table lists new themes may all be used to investigate
with their average publication trust. The integration of AI in
years for overlay visualization educational technology, ethical
in Ethics Education during concerns in AI-driven
the COVID-19 Era. These educational approaches, and
subjects include vaccination nodes symbolizing AI ethics
hesitancy, AI, trust, vulnerability, are some ways to investigate
and student involvement. AI in ethics education.
Nodes that reflect elements Ultimately, ethical arguments
like online chats, collaborative around vaccines, reluctance in
projects, and virtual involvement educational settings, and ethical
can be used to investigate issues in public health
student engagement. communication may all be
Ethical considerations in used to investigate vaccine
susceptible environments, solutions hesitancy.
to alleviate vulnerability, and In educational environments
nodes representing vulnerable impacted by the epidemic,
groups may all be used to overlay visualization facilitates
examine vulnerability. a thorough grasp of ethical
Nodes that indicate trust- dimensions by providing
building strategies, dependability insights into the linkages,
in online learning settings, patterns, and trends within
and pandemic-related difficulties these themes.