Page 168 - Pure Life 37
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A Scientometric Analysis on the Ethics Education… A. Karimi et al (167

                         Diagram  7:  The  Overlay               active  in  recent  years,  while
                       visualization  of  the  authors           the  yellow  writers  have  a
                       presents  the  center  connector          moderate  and  at  the  same

                       authors     and     how      they         time  central  role  and  the
                       cooperate.  Besides  it  seems            white  writers  have  written

                       that Universidade Federal do              previous  articles  in  this  field
                       Rio  Grande  do  Sul  and                 and      their      activity     is
                       Federal University of Pelotas             mentioned  concerning  the

                       are so active.                            writers, has decreased.
                         In the meantime, the red color
                       refers to the relationships and
                       writers  who  have  been  more

                       Diagram 7. Overlay Visualization of The Authors' Community (VOS Viewer)

                         As     mentioned       in    the        scenarios       of     immersive
                       introduction, COVID-19 changed            technology  can  be  useful  for
                       the way how ethics are taught;            presenting  ethical  dilemmas,

                       So     Overlay      visualization         fostering empathy and critical
                       indicates that interactive virtual        thinking  alongside  AI-based
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