Page 124 - Pure Life 38
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Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s Approach to Philosophical Counseling… H. Mohammadabadi et al (123

                       However,  since  anthropology  is         hermeneutics  of  the  Qur’an  and
                       based on the divine worldview and         the tradition (Ibid, 2004), and many

                       the Islamic worldview, there is a         other books.
                       comprehensive approach to man,
                       and man is not limited to a material      Research Method
                                                                 This fundamental and qualitative
                       and short life in this world, we          study  adopted  a  theoretical
                       were interested in extracting the         descriptive-analytical  method.
                       approach followed by an expert            In a descriptive-analytical study,

                       thinker  in  the  field  of  Islamic      the researcher describes issues
                       instructions  about  philosophical        as they are presented in books and
                       counseling and developing a model         writings  and  at  the  same  time

                       of  philosophical  counseling             analyzes the issues based on his/her
                       based on it.                              scientific ability (Alavi, 2017).
                         As  an  Islamic  thinker,  Ali             The data in this study were
                       Ṣafāei  Ḥāeri  has  many  works           collected using library techniques

                       in  the  fields  of  philosophy,          and a review of books, articles,
                       Islamic     education,     family         software,  and  websites.  The

                       (Ṣafāei Ḥāeri, 2009), and other           collected  data  were  analyzed
                       fields  related  to  philosophical        through  categorization,  analysis,
                       counseling.  Among  Islamic               inferences, and explanation.
                       thinkers,  Ali  Ṣafāei  Ḥāeri  is

                       known  as  one  of  the  best             Main        Approaches           to
                       experts  in  Islamic  education.          Philosophical Counseling
                       In  addition,  he  has  written           1.  A General Classification

                       valuable  philosophical  books            According to Ran Lahav, there
                       such  as  critical  books  including      are  two  dominant  approaches
                       the  criticism  of  schools  of           to philosophical counseling, namely

                       philosophy,  the  ideal  evolution,       critical  thinking  (problem-solving)
                       existentialism (Ibid, 2019a), the         and  refinement.  Most  of  the
                       criticism of the ideal evolution,         philosophical          counseling

                       Marxism      (Ibid,   2019b),     a       perspectives  fall  under  these
                       critique  of  the  philosophy  of         two categories.
                       religion, God in philosophy, the
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