Page 128 - Pure Life 38
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Ali Ṣafāei Ḥāeri’s Approach to Philosophical Counseling… H. Mohammadabadi et al (127

                       7. Approach To Understanding              8.  Clarifying  Emotional  Life
                       the  Unique  Self  and  Others            (An      Eclectic-Philosophical

                       Through  Dialogue  (A  More               Approach to Psychotherapy)
                       Non-Clinical          Approach)           (Brian T. Rutter)
                       (Maria Davenza Tillmanns)                 According  to  Rutter,  people

                       According         to       Maria,         often experience emotions that
                       philosophical  counseling  is             do not have a clear understanding
                       never about solving problems.             of  the  meaning  and  context  of

                       She believes that life is inherently      their emergence, as well as how
                       problematic.      Rather      than        they  ultimately  affect  their
                       focusing  on  solving  problems,          daily  lives.  Rutter  talks  about

                       Tillmanns  emphasizes  learning           Rogers’  reflection  of  emotions
                       about life through conversation           and how the counselor’s mirroring
                       (Tillmanns, 2005).                        of  clients’  emotions  illuminates
                         Tillmanns does not consider             the client’s emotional experience.

                       philosophical counseling as an               Rutter  also  shows  how
                       activity  that  is  more  focused         Rogers’  reflexive  view  of

                       on rationality (Ibid: 156).               emotional life can be extended
                         Buber  also  emphasizes  the            to include Martin Heidegger’s
                       necessity of talking with another         ideas about being in the world
                       because  he  believes  that  it  is       (Rutter,  2021),  and  how  the

                       through the process of engaging           client’s  emotional  world  be
                       with another that we can meet             reconstructed  in  the  treatment
                       our inner context and we should           room  during  a  bilateral  and

                       not seek to understand the context        hermeneutic  process  between
                       before interacting with another           the  client  and  the  therapist
                       because  such  action  will  only         (Cohen & Zinech, 2013).

                       cause  mistrust  (Ibid).  Buber’s
                       idea  contrasts  with  many               9. Other Approaches
                       psychological and sociological            Carl  R.  Rogers  (Rogers  cited  in

                       theories  that  emphasize  the            Frunza,  2022:  101),  and  Sandu
                       importance of creating structures         Frunza consider clients as dialogue
                       for understanding (Ibid: 158).            partners in philosophical counseling
                                                                 as  clients    often     turn    to
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