Page 102 - صبا 02
P. 102
Common proverbs in Persian and Urdu
Seyyed Tasnim Fatemeh Naqvi
Master's student of Persian language & literature, Open University, Al-Mustafa
International University of Qom, Qom, Iran
supervisor: Atefeh khodayi 2
Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran
Since the Urdu language has grown and developed in the environment of the
Persian language, it influenced from the Persian language to the point where
more than half of its vocabulary has been directly or indirectly borrowed from
the Persian language. This effect is more visible in grammar, alphabet and
poetry. Proverbs are one of the important parts of literature (especially oral
literature) that can determine the degree of proximity of two languages in terms
of meaning and vocabulary. In this research, we were looking for proverbs that
use similar or identical words in Urdu and Persian languages
Keywords: proverb, Persian language, Urdu language.
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