Page 118 - صبا 02
P. 118

Correspondence of Gordiya Shᾱhnᾱmeh with
                                        Athena in Iliad

                                          Aghdas Fatehi

                Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, University
                                          of Qom, Qom, Iran.


               The  current  research  has  analyzed  the  similarities  and  differences  between
               Gordiya,  the  historical  personality  of  Ferdowsi's  Shahnameh  and  Athena,  the
               goddess  of  Greek  mythology.  These  two  female  heroes  share  characteristics
               such as beauty, nobility, wisdom, activism, fighting and skills in using martial
               arts. The main difference between these two bodies is that Athena has the divine
               nature.  This  research  is  based  on  the  fact  that  Indo-European  goddesses  like
               Athena, while they themselves, took some characteristics from the social culture
               of women of older tribes like the Scythians and integrated them; Gradually in
               the course of time, due to causes or factors, some of their characteristics have
               been  given  to  the  characters  of  the  epics  of  the  Indo-European  nations,  and
               those  characteristics  have  been  distributed  among  the  characters  of  the  epic
               works. Based on this, the study of the personality of a great goddess like Athena
               and its comparison with Gordiya in the Iranian epic shows that Gordiya, under
               the  influence  of  the  natural  evolution  of  the  myth  as  well  as  the  cultural
               interactions between the two nations of Iran and Greece, took some of Athena's
               general and comprehensive characteristics from her. be taken The findings of
               the  research  support the  idea that  Gordiya is  a  broken  and  scattered  piece  of
               Athena in Greek mythology; Because some aspects of his personality are clearly
               recognizable in Gordiya's body.
               Keywords: Adaptation, Shahnameh, Iliad, Athena, Gordiya.

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