Page 35 - Pure Life 04
P. 35

34  PURE LIFE, Vol.2.No.4, (Jumada al-Thani 1437. Isfand 1394. March. 2016)

                  There is no doubt about the fact that the surrounding of
               one  has  a  great  influence  on  everyone  life.  The  good
               friendship  can force  you  to  follow  a  right  path  and  vice
               versa. It is clear that on the Day of Judgment when people
               will  be  thrown  into  hell  and  they  shall  complain  of  bad
               friends who led them astray.
                  Up  till  now,  this  paper  has  shed  Islamic  light  on  the
               importance of choosing a good friend. The question that
               arises now is who is considered by Allah and his Prophet
               (PBUH)  to  be  a  good  friend.  This  question  is  answered
               through the Holy Quran by the following two verses:
                     ىَتآَو َةاَلَّصلا َماَقَأَو ِرِخآْلا ِمْوَيْلاَو ِهَّللاِب َنَمآ ْنَم ِهَّللا َدِجاَسَم ُرُمْعَي اَمَّنِإ "

                       " َنيِدَتْهُمْلا   َنِم   اوُنوُكَي    ْنَأ    َكِئَلوُأ   ىَسَعَف  َهَّللا اَّلِإ َشْخَي ْمَلَو َةاَكَّزلا

                  “The mosques of Allah should be maintained by those
               who  believe  in  Allah  and  the  Last  Day,  establish  Salah
               (prayers), and pay Zakah (poor due) and fear none except
               Allah.  It  is  they  who  are  expected  to  follow  the  true
               guidance.” (Surah AT Tauba, Verse 18)
                  The above Verse shows that a good believer will be the
               one who establishes prayer, pay Zakah, and fear none except
               God. These are the people with whom we make friendship
               with and as God says, follow them for true guidance. Within
               this verse is embedded the guideline provided by Allah on
               “making  friends”  that  is,  by  visiting  mosques  where
               believers gather for prayers and social contact.
                  For example, if you are living in a country where there
               are no Muslims or mosques are not available or you are in
               danger to keep your religion, you basically are unable to
               develop friendships as prescribed by Allah and therefore it
               is recommended in Islam to migrate to such a place where
               you  can  easily  practice  your  religion,  visit  mosque  and
               interact with other Muslim beings.
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