Page 36 - Pure Life 04
P. 36

A Good Friend in Islam /35

                   The same issue is further discussed in the following:
                      َءاَيِلْوَأ   ْمُهْنِم   اوُذِخَّتَت   اَلَف  ًءاَوَس َنوُنوُكَتَف اوُرَفَك اَمَك َنوُرُفْكَت ْوَل اوُْدَو "

                    ْمُهوُمُتْدَجَو   ُثْيَح   ْمُهوُلُتْقاَو   ْمُهوُذُخَف   اْوَّلَوَت   ْنِإَف   ِهَّللا   ِليِبَس   يِف   اوُرِجاَهُي   ىَّتَح

                                   ا "  ًريِصَن اَلَو اًّيِلَو ْمُهْنِم اوُذِخَّتَت اَلَو
                  “Their real wish is to see that you become a disbeliever,
               as  they  themselves  have  disbelieved,  so  that  you  may
               become exactly like them. So you should not take friends
               from  their  ranks  unless  they  immigrate  in  the  way  of
               Allah;  and  if  they  do  not,  seize  them  and  kill  them
               wherever you find them, and do not take any of them as
               protectors or helpers.” (Surah An-Nisa, Verse 89)
                  Thus essentially, a good friend in Islam is defined as a
               person  who  brings  you  closer  to  Allah,  His  Prophet  and
               His  religion.  For  a  Muslim,  this  world  and  its  pleasures
               are understood to be temporary and the real satisfaction or
               absolution  is  achieved  only  by  striving  for  the  will  and
               pleasure of Allah, a path in which a good friend plays a
               positive  role.  As  can  be  seen,  there  is  a  link  between
               migration and a better place to worship which leads you to
               have a good friend. One should migrate if his religion is in
               danger  as  religion  is  the  base  of  a  good  friendship.  If  a
               person has kept his religion and migrated on the way of
               God, he shall be rewarded heavily by God himself.
                  Unfortunately  however,  the  social  relations  or  the
               friendship  of  today  are  deviating  from  the  guidelines  of
               Islam.  The  problem  is  more  profound  in  the  younger
               generation  which  is  influenced  by  elements  such  as  free
               social media, rapidly growing communication technology
               and declining value and morals.
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