Page 43 - Pure Life 04
P. 43

42  PURE LIFE, Vol.2.No.4, (Jumada al-Thani 1437. Isfand 1394. March. 2016)

                  For  the  believer  the  only  solid  foundation  to  make
               friendship is Islam. Companionship has great importance
               in Islam, often prophet talked about it to have good friends
               and companions. A good friend is the one who guides you,
               support  you,  accommodate  your  faults  but  correct  them
               and love and forgive you for the sake of Allah. Therefore
               it is important to choose your friends carefully.
                  The core question which arises from the discussion is
               how we should choose our friends? The answer is the one
               who is Momin.
                  The  word  Momin  has  very  broad  meaning  and  for
               which we will discuss in our upcoming article. For the
               time  being  we  can  stick  with  more  narrow  definition
               of Momin “the one who is loyal to God, Prophet and
               his progeny”.
                  There  are  friends  who  will  always  remain  loyal  and
               trustful under all circumstances and this is what Islam has
               taught  us  in  terms  of  selecting  and  maintaining
               friendships. It urges us to have good friend who reminds
               us of God and keep us safe from sins. A believer must be
               selective when it comes to making friends.
                  Being  friend  with  good  will  lead  to  righteous  path
               while  bad  leads  to  sin.  It  will  not  only  the  path  of
               righteousness in this  world  but leads us to next world
               as well.
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