Page 41 - Pure Life 04
P. 41

40  PURE LIFE, Vol.2.No.4, (Jumada al-Thani 1437. Isfand 1394. March. 2016)

                  It  is  recommended  to  stay  at  sufficient  distance  from  ill
               mannered, ignorant, and non-believers person but treating everyone
               in kind and noble manner is necessary. God says in Quran:
                              " َنيِق َّتُمْلا اَّلِإ ٌْوُدَع ٍضْعَبِل ْمُهُضْعَب ٍذِئَمْوَي ُءاَّلِخَأْلا "

                  “On that Day, even friends will become enemies to one
               another  with  the  exception  of  the  righteous  people”.
               (Surah Az-Zukhruf, Verse 67)
                  It  is  clear  that  on  the  Day  of  Judgment  all  will  be
               enemy except the one who were believers. Therefore we
               need  to  make  friends  which  are  believers  and  which
               remind us of God. It is wise to choose a good friend in this
               world to avoid regret in next world. In this context, there
               is  a  tradition  from  Imam  Mohammad  Baqir  (A.S.)  who
               heard from his father Imam Zain al abdeen (A.S.) that we
               should  never  befriend  people,  who  are  Kasab  (liar),  the
               one who takes the right of people, a miser, a fool and the
               one cuts relationship (Silay Reham). Imam Ali (A.S.) took
               it  more  forward  and  said  that  friend  in  need  is  friend
               indeed which today is considered as a standard definition
               of a “good friend” around the world.
                  The  process  of  safeguarding  the  friendship  has  been
               suggested  by  Imam  Askari  (A.S.).  According  to  Imam
               Askari (A.S.) that we should advice our friends secretly and
               not  publicly  because  if  we  advise  them  openly,  there  is  a
               possibility that we will humiliate and hurt them. This means
               that in the true value of Islam, it is important to uphold the
               respect  and  status  of  your  friend.  These  elements  as
               mentioned  above  are  also  considered  to  be  the  core
               foundations of a good friendship by modern day researchers.
                  A  believer  according  to  the  behavioral  codes  of  Islam,
               establishes the standards of friendship through which he/she
               will soon find themselves encircled with friends who will take
               them to heaven and take them away from the fire of Hell.
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