Page 22 - Pure Life 11
P. 22

Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /21

                  Thus interaction, emotional bond and family solidarity
               are variables that altogether have a positive and significant
               correlation and facilitate each other.

                   -  Harmful Agents in the Formation of Emotional
                      Bonds Within a Family
               There  are  some  factors  that  are  detrimental  to  the
               emotional  bonds  of  family  and  endanger  the  family
               solidarity. One such factor is individualism. Individualism
               creates a division or cleavage between family members.
                  In  today’s  fast  pace  of  technology,  there  are  various
               devices that consume individual person’s attention and stop
               them from interacting with other members of the society.
               Mass  media  are  one  of  such  devices.  However,  this  does
               not negate the benefits of technological tools in our daily
               lives. But uncivilized and uncultured use of technological
               tools  has  created  a  condition  whereby  their  use  is  only
               geared toward promoting and enhancing individualism.
                  In other words, if the process of culturization of media
               tools is operationalized to its full extent, the disadvantages
               will  decrease  sharply  and  its  true  function  will  take  its
               proper  place  within  society  and  family.  However,  some
               scholars  hold  that  since  electronic  tools  are  constantly
               changing in nature, they cannot provide calmness for the
               users. In fact these scholars argue that electronic tools are
               detrimental to family calmness. Still some others say that
               these views are radical and one-sided.
                  The function of mass media especially auditory media,
               which  is  not  interactive,  ,  has  gradually  replaced  inter-
               personal  and  face-to-face  relationships  in  family  and
               society, media caused that individual atmosphere instead
               of collective and emotional atmosphere be dominant and
               prevailing within the families.
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