Page 20 - Pure Life 11
P. 20

Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /19

                  Emotional  bonds  are  formed  and  spread  for  various
               reasons.  One  of  the  best  grounds  for  the  cultivation  of
               family  bonds  is  proper  and  effective  communication
               between members of the group. The emotional bond will
               not be created firmly unless group members interact with
               each other with mutual understanding and knowledge.
                  One  of  the  reasons  that  increases  emotional  bond  is
               verbal communication. Verbal communication is to have
               conversation as a medium of communication between two
               or  more  people.  In  communication  environments,
               conversation is not just a normal habit but a pattern that
               forms the dominant emotional and spiritual conditions of
               social situations.
                  As  a  form  of  verbal  communication  that  meets  the
               needs of communication and interaction, conversation has
               two  certain  characteristics  or  better  to  say  two
                   -  The  ability  to  listen,  the  ability  to  show  empathy.
                      By making proper use of these skills, one can use
                      verbal    communication       to    increase    mutual
                      understanding  and  find  common  ground  in  a
                  Hearing is entirely different from listening. Hearing is a
               biological  function  of  human  beings  that  includes
               receiving an audio message from the channel of ears.
                  Hearing  is  but  a  minor  part  of  listening  process.
               Listening  is  a  process  that  has  diverse  elements  such  as
               receiving  a  message,  understanding,  paying  attention,
               meaning assignment and a response to the message.
                  Another  point  worth  mentioning  is  that  listening  is
               always accompanied by visual contact.
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