Page 52 - Pure Life 11
P. 52

Big Data: New Development Opportunities in Islamic Studies /51

               depends  on  a  similar  research  approach,  by  using  Islam
               and Muslims keywords.
                  One  of  the  top  Islamic  topics  that  this  research
               mentioned is “how women are portrayed in the Quran, and
               whether  gender  oppression  is  an  inherent  trait  of  Islam.
               This also shows that the representations of Muslims and
               Islam are gendered”.
                  The researchers reached for a conclusion that the topics
               related to Islam and Muslims are increasing with time, but
               Muslims  are  taking  defensive  positions  against
               discrimination  and  accusations,  instead  of  dealing  with
               deep intellectual topics related to the Muslim’s needs, as
               in previous  years, in  which they  dealt with geographical
               context in Sweden during the analysis of social data. It is
               appropriate to say here, that we can set the research limits,
               as place, time and language, and many more attributes.
                  Adding to analyze Social Data from a universal scale,
               we can also indentify specific known people who impact
               on  the  public  streaming,  and  then  investigate  their
               followers’  attitudes,  by  analyzing  their  common
               characteristics  and  trying  to  understand  their  personal
               circumstances surrounding any external influence.
                  As in the “Exmuslim” trend (exmuslim hashtag) which
               has grown widely since last year, that expresses atheists
               or agnostics concerns. In which thousands of posts have
               been published from the Islamic world, although the data
               showed that the campaign was from abroad. It should be
               noted that, the bigger percent of the publications through
               this  hashtag  were  retweeted,  and  not  for  the  original
               ones,  which  means  that  the  republication  is  the  bulk  of
               this campaign.

               1. Törnberg, 2016.
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