Page 291 - Pure Life 15
P. 291

Promoting Islam in Cyberspace Based on Modern Islamic Thoughts of Syeikh Abduh  /303

                  Figure 1. Indonesia Cyberspace Threat Source: Google

                  Viewing  the  behavior  of  indonesian  moslem  in
               Cyberspace,  Abduh  could  be  laugh  also.  There  is  a
               new  islamic  movement  that  named  theirsleves  as
               “Moslem  Cyber  Army”  and  this  people  is  regarded
               themselves as a represent of a good moslem, because
               they are using the method of firm and counter-attack
               for those who against moslem.
                  In the case of Jonru,  in a formal debate, he can not
               answer rapidly as he ever behave on the social media
               and  he  lacks  of  valid  historical  data.  Jonru  is  just  a

               small  example  of  a  confusing  indonesian  moslem  in
               Cyberspace.  This  case  must  be  regarded  really
               seriously  and  we  have  to  question  ourselves;  which
               Cyberspace that really represents modern moslem?

               1. Jonru is an initial name for a popular indonesian personil in
               Moslem  Cyber  Army  groups,  that  always  giving  hatespeech
               against  other  religions  and  regardes  as  racist,  because  he
               against indonesian chinese.
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