Page 291 - Pure Life 15
P. 291
Promoting Islam in Cyberspace Based on Modern Islamic Thoughts of Syeikh Abduh /303
Figure 1. Indonesia Cyberspace Threat Source: Google
Viewing the behavior of indonesian moslem in
Cyberspace, Abduh could be laugh also. There is a
new islamic movement that named theirsleves as
“Moslem Cyber Army” and this people is regarded
themselves as a represent of a good moslem, because
they are using the method of firm and counter-attack
for those who against moslem.
In the case of Jonru, in a formal debate, he can not
answer rapidly as he ever behave on the social media
and he lacks of valid historical data. Jonru is just a
small example of a confusing indonesian moslem in
Cyberspace. This case must be regarded really
seriously and we have to question ourselves; which
Cyberspace that really represents modern moslem?
1. Jonru is an initial name for a popular indonesian personil in
Moslem Cyber Army groups, that always giving hatespeech
against other religions and regardes as racist, because he
against indonesian chinese.