Page 296 - Pure Life 15
P. 296

               298  PURE LIFE, Vol.5. No.15, (Rabi' al-Thani 1440. Azar 1397. December 2018)

               Besides,  this  paper  will  relate  those  thoughts  of  Abduh
               with  the  condition  of  Indonesian  moslems  nowadays,
               based on current statistics and surveys, to value how much
               is  Indonesian  moslems  think  about  the  modern  islamic
               political issues in the digital or Internet time. This paper is
               hoped to spread ideas that Islam is a good religion that can
               maintain  local  wisdom,  eventhough  at  the  same  time,
               moslem  people  have  to  do  jihad  to  defend  their  tauhid.
               Besides, this paper is also hoped to be a new perspective
               to  the  concept  of  local  wisdom  in  the  mind  of  western
               philosophy based on UN SDGs Agenda to preserve local
               wisdom,  so  that  in  the  UN  General  Assembly,  the
               honorable  delegations  could  think  about  Islamic  values
               within their policies about local wisdom in the digital or
               Internet time.

               Key Words: Modern Islamic Thoughts, Promoting Islam,
               Cyberspace, Muhammad Abduh, Indonesian Perspective

               Abduh  and  majority  moslems  in  Indonesia  are
               connected with the same morality and values in Islam.
               While  Abduh  is  popular  of  his  controversial  and
               modernity fatwa for Islamic world, majority moslems
               in Indonesia are still trapped in the middle of choice
               of secularity and fundamentalism.
                  Nonetheless,  Abduh  is  part  of  Indonesian  way  of
               thinking  of  being  a  moslem  because  Abduh  is
               influencing  one  of  biggest  islamic  community  in
               Indonesia, named Muhammadiyah, that is reffered of
               its name from Abduh’s first name.
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