Page 227 - Pure Life 16
P. 227
The Role of State and Religious Organizations in Indonesia in Web-based Teachings /241
This is very important because many radical
Islamic groups in Indonesia have many websites and
are very aggressive about posting views and religious
teachings based on the views and thoughts of their
group. Something very harmful for the majority of
Muslims is they are on behalf of Ahlusunnah wal
3. As a medium for rectifying information and
books that are distorted by certain groups. There are
many statements of the great scholars in Indonesia as
well as the books written by the great ulama of
Nahdatul Ulama are distorted by those who wish to
defame and the teachings of ahlusunnah wal jamaah.
4. To counter the spread of the teachings of radicalism
and terrorism in Indonesia.
Along with the growth and the rise of radicalism
and hate speech in Indonesia, the organization of
Nahdlatul ulama and muhammadiyah came to the
forefront to ward off and eradicate the movement.
The cyber team of Nahdatul Ulama has gathered
hundreds on behalf of Islamic sites that used to make
posts that threaten and endanger the stability of
society and the state. He also has a list of Islamic sites
that are considered radical. The number is 208.
The site is widely read by millions of netizens. Not
infrequently attacked scholars, country symbols and
the philosophy of the state of Indonesia. Such Islamic
sites also often attack and mislead Shi'a schools.