Page 230 - Pure Life 16
P. 230
238 / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.5. No. 16, (Rajab 1440. Esfand 1397. March 2019(
For the case of Indonesia, the religious
organizations of Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah
are representations of these positions and conditions.
Therefore the main role of the government with
regard to the spread of the teachings of religious
values in Indonesia especially for the teachings of
Islam in cyberspace are as follows:
- Regulator
The function of the state in the virtual world in order
to spread the teachings and religious values is as
regulator. The government provides models and
examples of religious values that are viewed in
accordance with the views and foundations of life of a
nation. The appropriate religious style in Indonesia is
the pattern and the value of a moderate religion.
- The Organizer of the Religious Agenda
The government should set a special schedule for religious
festivals. The government should have the authority to
determine the day of religious importance and also the
religious agenda. In Indonesia there is The Majelis Ulama
Indonesia (MUI–Indonesian Council of Ulama) which is
representative of various Islamic organizations in Indonesia
but Indonesian Council of Ulama is also often not so
influential for other Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia.
- Protector
The government must protect the people from
religious teachings that lead to extremism and
treachery. In addition, a religious teaching that
weakens the unity of Indonesian citizens.