Page 229 - Pure Life 16
P. 229

The Role of State and Religious Organizations in Indonesia in Web-based Teachings  /239

                  Based  on  the  above  understanding,  I  agree  with
               what the Indonesian government has done through the
               Ministry of Communication and Information decided

               to  block  a  web  application  that  is  known  to  be  a
               hotbed  for  radicalism  to  develop  its  influence  and
               followers; Telegram.
                  The application, according to the Chief of Police of
               the Republic of Indonesia, is to become a coordinating
               place for terrorists in building networks and preparing
               the bomb-making training process.
                  The privacy features that conceal the identity of the
               users,  plus  the  delay  in  Telegram's  response  to  the
               demands  of  the  government,  are  a  list  of  additional
               errors by Telegram.
                  Telegram  has  plagued  police  efforts  to  infiltrate
               terrorism networks that have taken a large share of the
               world's  narratives  since  the  collapse  of  the  World
               Trade  Center  building  in  the  United  States  on
               September  15  last  year.  It's  no  secret  that  Telegram
               has  become  a  favorite  app  for  terrorist  extremist
               groups as a means of communicating between groups
               like ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ).

                   2.  The Biggest Religious Organization in Indonesia
               The  biggest  religious  organization  in  Indonesia  are
               Nahdatul  Ulama  dan  Muhammadiyah.  The  greatness
               both of organizations is signed by the historical trace

               for  fighting  and  guarding  the  republic  of  Indonesia.
               Therefore  Nahdatul  Ulama  and  Muhammadiyah  is

               very  worth  to  become  a  sight  source  and  religious
               thought in Indonesia.
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