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A Study on Islam in Brazil… K. Arroyo  / 99

               January  1981,  and  adopted  by             Shias  6  million  to  44
               the Assembly of Heads of State               million) live in the Middle
               and     Government      of    the            East-North Africa.
               Organization  of  African  Unity         The  Shi'a  and  their  other
               (OAU)  in  Nairobi,  Kenya,  on       aspects  are  among  the  most
               27  of  July  1981,  showing  the     persecuted      and      coerced
               emergence       of     dissenting     religious  segments  around  the
               voices, convinced and against a       globe.
               universal parameter.                     According  to  Shia  Rights
                  Meanwhile,  among  the  first      Watch  agency,  reliable  source
               in  the  drives  of  80  and  today,   for  the  United  Nations  in
               we  expanded  the  estimated          Washington, USA, the updated
               panorama  about  Islamic  Shi'a       June 2017 numbers corroborate
               aspect    through     the    Pew      such  statements,  showing  a
               Research  Center  Forum  on           small cut in the countries of the
               Religion and Public Life:             Middle  East  and  Asia  in
                      An          overwhelming       incidents anti shi la resulting in
                      majority  of  Muslims  are
                      Sunnis, while an estimated     deaths:  Saudi  Arabia  (3),
                      10-13%  are  Shias.  This      Afghanistan     (11),   Pakistan
                      report  estimates  that there   (62),  Iran  (11)  and  Iraq  (72).
                      are  between  154  million     When  we  talk  about  the  Shi'a
                      and  200  million  Shia        community  in  Brazil,  we  are
                      Muslims  in  the  world        talking  about  a  community
                      today.                         mostly  from  a  migratory  flow
                      Between  l  16  million  and   sírio-libanês  1890  powders  to
                      I47  million  Shias  live  in   the South and Southeast of the
                      Asia,  representing  about     country  and  especially  in  post
                      three-quarters    of   the     Lebanese  civil  war  (1975-
                      world's  Shia  population      1980).
                      (note that Iran is included
                      in     the    Asia-Pacific        Among  the  Shi'a  majority
                      region).                       population, the Iranians do not
                      Meanwhile,      nearly   a     represent     a     considerable
                      quarter  of  the  world's      migration,  since  there  is  a
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