Page 104 - Pure Life 23
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A Study on Islam in Brazil… K. Arroyo  / 103
               found  as  inseparable  in  the       tyranny      and     oppression,
               activities  of  Ijtihad  as  a        continuing  a  revolution  that
               methodological  assumption  of        never had your order declared,
               Tafseer  which  alludes  to  the      initiated  on  the  battlefield  in
               fraternal   sensitivity    as   a     681  .a.C.  in  Karbala  and  that
               criterion for the rapprochement       reverberates in human relations
               with the other people.                as  a  social  model  to  be
                  To reason, communicate and         implemented,  in  which  the
               sensitize are aspects inherent in     attempt  to  reach  agreements,
               Islamic  history  with  excellent     approaches  and  sharing  of
               examples  of  tolerance  to           noble  values,  initially,  by  the
               adversity.                            Islamic  message  transmission
                  Imam  Jafar  Al-Sadeq  (702-       in  several  places  or  routes  by
               765  A.C),  sixth  Imam  of  the      which  the  Shiite  community
               Ahlul  Bayt,  promove  Islamic        and its leaders travel.
               dialogues  on  jurisprudential
               sensitive    and    controversial     Conclusion
               topics  to  the  local  community,    When we talk about Islam and
               non muslims majority.                 about  one  of  his  noblest
                  His  sermons  and  dialogues       missions,  combat  the  social
               were  next  to  the  Kaaba  in  the   evil,   reflected,   daily,    in
               Holy  City  of  Mecca,  Saudi         ignorance  and  lack,  it  is
               Arabia,     main    temple     of     necessary a reflection based on
               monotheism       and      symbol      the    clarification    of    the
               material  diametrically  opposed      principles  of  the  Din  for  non
               to established by local society.      Muslims,  making  them  meet
                  Thus, from the dialogue and        through dialogue the bases and
               through  him,  interfaith  spaces     the  methods  in  which  Islam
               with  ethnic  and  religiously        prevents  the  coercion  and
               diverse in direct contact born.       violence.
                  Muslims      represent     the        Therefore,     the    Islamic
               eternal and the honored flag of       Centers,  Mosques  or  Shiite
               Imam  Hussein  (a.s)  against         husseynias     throughout     the
                                                     Brazilian      territory,     we
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