Page 43 - Pure Life 23
P. 43
42 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
the important thing here is What is important is the value
flexibility and, at the same time, of the message based on its
coherence in synthesis. analysis and evaluation, since the
Synthesis requires the purpose and standard of
activity of the left hemisphere production will vary from one
of the brain for systematic person to another.
reasoning and that of the right So providing content based on
hemisphere for creativity. But reasoning would be better than
in dialogue, if more emphasis is comparing different contents.
placed on reasoning, the
outcome will be repetition of Conclusion
old ideas, without creating any Dialogue between faiths and
new ideas. And if too much religions is the only direct way to
emphasis is on creativity, the achieve mutual understanding of
coherence of words will be lost. other religious beliefs; dialogue
In content creation, it is better eliminates any differences
to make just a few points with a between faiths and religions to
valid reference. create a more secure world.
Content does not necessarily It seems that dialogue should
have to reach a common point of not only be among the elites of
beliefs and convergence, but it can the world in cultural, scientific,
have a kind of contradiction with the artistic, and economic fields but
opinions of others or divergence also among the followers of
An important point is content different religions and sects so
usage, in fact the content will be that it can lead to convergence
functional if it can provide a useful and understanding between
solution to solve a problem or to nations around the world.
resolve an ambiguity. Undoubtedly, cyberspace
Different people have different has a positive and worthwhile
opinions about a subject, each of role in promoting interactions
them can have their own between people and religious
application, and the user can scholars as well as among
choose one regarding his needs people of different religions
and according to its evaluation. because it converts users from