Page 40 - Pure Life 23
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Social Media … F. Amirfarhangi and A. Ramezani  / 39
                  Perhaps  the  most  important      messages  to  their  standards,
               challenge       in      religious     and to what extent they should
               discussions  is  the  existence  of   follow the standards of others.
               multiple criteria for evaluation.        In  such  cases  where  the
                  For        example,        the     standard used by people is weak,
               disagreement between the Shiites      people must follow their religious
               and Sunni people in some of the       experts,   because     evaluation
               events in the history of Islam is     should  not  be  based  on  personal
               the source of many conflicts. In      feelings but on rationality so that
               these cases, the conclusion of the    people can understand any forces
               vote  (unity  of  opinions)  is       in  the  adoption  of  a  religious
               recommended to reject or accept       message,  fanaticism  and  slogans
               a  component  or  components  of      imposed on the content.
               the message                              They should also recognize the
                  Potter suggests to follow-up       boundary  between  acceptability
               the  criteria  of  other  people  in   and   unacceptability   of   the
               evaluating  messages.  But  a         message.  Of  course,  Potter
               standard is usually based on an       answers that question. In his view,
               individual judgment that can be       one needs a skeptical attitude that
               challenged.                           the components of a message are
                  The problem is that different      not always accurate and useful.
               people  use  different  criteria  in     This skeptical view is called
               judging  religions  and  faiths.  If   “critical  viewing”  by  Messaris
               other  people  use  a  weak           (Messaris,    1994)     or   just
               standard,  what  should  an           “critical”    by      Silverblatt.
               individual do?                        (Silverblatt, 1995)
                  The  result  is  clear,  the          Critical   viewing    is    an
               evaluation  of  that  person  will    evaluation  because  it  challenges
               be weak too.                          the  facts  and  arguments  in  a
                  In fact, the question is, how      message. Critical analysis can be
               much  people  are  free  to           based on cognitive criteria.
               evaluate  the  value  of  the            Cognitive  criteria  indicate
               content     of   the    religious     whether  our  mind  is  satisfied
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