Page 83 - Pure Life 23
P. 83
82 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 79-89, Summer 2020
Picture 1: Center for Muslim The personal and
Communities in the Czech organizational connection to
Republic Web Page, the UMOCR provides the
necessary background of
knowledge and sources.
The web page itself is not so
much attractive from the
perspective of a visitor or a
viewer, but the content is very
A visit rate of the page is raised
by an affiliated Facebook page
called Islamic teachings and Islam
in practice (Islámské nauky a
islám v praxi,
But there is another online
project connected to the Center This page has about 1 500
- a web page E-islám www.e- followers and mainly shares information about new articles
It is an informative web and contributions at the E-
administrated by Lukáš islám web page.
Větrovec, a Czech convert who Various kind of people
is very close to the UMOCR follows this Facebook profile,
and its branch in the city of from Czech Muslims and
Brno, Czech Republic. converts to Czech public,
The web page is prolific on journalists, and academic
many articles about Muslims, researchers etc.
Islam, Islamic law, and many Although the impact of both
other topics provided in the pages is relatively low, it
Czech language. represents a good combination
It provides the Q and A of social networking, web
platform and many e-books presentation, and e-book
translated or written in Czech. distribution.