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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 79-89, Serial Number 3, Summer 2020

               The Role of Cyberspace in Religious Dialog between
               Muslim Minority and Non-Muslim Majority in the

               Czech Republic
               Dr. Josef Kraus*

                      *  Assistant  Professor  in  Department  of  Political  Sciences,  Faculty  of
                      Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
              ARTICLE INFO            Abstract

              Article History:      SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES: The article is focused on Czech
              Received 01 March 2020   Muslim  community  and  its  efforts  to  educate,  to  raise  public
              Revised 17 July 2020   awareness and to create a dialog with Czech majority population
              Accepted 29 August 2020
                                    using  the  internet,  social  networks  and  other  modern  cybernetic
              Key Words:            ways and tools. Special attention is put on Shia community in South
              Cyberspace            Moravia region of Czech Republic and its recently opened Muslim
              Religious             Cultural  Center  Ahlulbayt  followed  by  Facebook  campaign  and
              Dialog                electronic media coverage.
              Muslim and Non-Muslim  METHOD  AND  FINDING:  In  the  background  of  current  so
                                    called  migration  crisis  in  Europe  there  is  a  huge  impact  of
              DOI:                  cyberspace on public opinion formed by anti-Islamic movements on
              10.22034/IMJPL.2020.2120   one side and pro-refugees activists on the other. In Czech Republic,
                                    a state almost untouched by migration wave and with small Muslim
              DOR:                  community, the issue of Islam in Europe and its coexistence with
                                    Christian / atheist domestic population has become an important
                                    political  topic.  Islamic  organizations  face  much  pressure  and
                                    responsibility for introducing their religious and political orientation.
                                    CONCLUSION: Cyberspace, the internet and social networks are
                                    highly effective option to distribute information and statements or to

                                    communicate with outside world with low costs and high impact.
                                    Analyzing  these  channels  and  their  effectivity  within  Czech
                                    environment is one of the main aim of the article.
              * Corresponding Author:        Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
              ORCID: 0000-0002-5720-1415

                     NUMBER OF               NUMBER OF             NATIONALITY OF
                    REFERENCES                AUTHORS                  AUTHORS
                          7                       1                 (Czech Republic)
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85