Page 81 - Pure Life 23
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               80   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 79-89, Summer 2020

               Introduction                             From      the     institutional
               The Czech Republic and Czech          perspective, there are right now
               society  are  usually  considered     about  38  registered  churches
               one  of  the  most  atheistic         (most  them  Christian)  by  the
               countries  in  Europe  due  to        state  plus  many  unregistered
               targeted  atheization  of  society    religious communities.
               programmed and performed by              Their  size  and  power  are
               a  communist  party  during  the      very different from each other.
               communist           rule       in     The  biggest  and  strongest  one
               Czechoslovakia.                       is  the  Roman-Catholic  church
                  The  popularity  of  formal        (with  a  dominant  position
               religion and churches in Czech        among believers).
               society has been declining even          Other  world  religions  than
               after  the  so-called  Velvet         Christianity  are  for  the  Czech
               revolution  in  1989  until  now      Republic highly marginal.
               and  according  to  last  research       Traditionally  Judaism  is
               in  2011,  only  20%  of  Czech       present  at  Czech  territory
               consider      themselves       as     (since  10   Century)  and  in
               believers; But it can’t be easily     recent  30  years  also  Islam  has
               explained     by    demographic       become      more    and     more
               development       or     people’s     relevant.
               antipathy toward religion or the         Compared  to  the  Western
               church.  The  point  is,  there’s     Europe the Muslim minority in
               been  a  huge  increase  in  a        the    Czech      Republic     is
               number  of  people  refusing  to      relatively  small  constituting
               answer  this  optional  question      community  smaller  than  0.1%
               about their religious orientation     of the Czech population.
               and  beliefs  in  the  population        According       to      Czech
               census.                               Statistical  Office,  more  than
                  Almost  45%  of  respondents       3000       people       declared
               omit      to     provide      any     themselves as Muslims; but the
               information       about      their    sociologic  research  by  Daniel
               religious  feelings  and  church      Topinka (2016) states there are
               affiliation.                          about  22000  Muslims  with
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