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               116  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 107-131, Autumn 2020

               existing  powers  in  society;  of    of  the  police,  the  army,  the
               course,  the  political  power  of    courts  and  punishment  on  the
               the  state  is  unquestionable  in    one  hand  and  the  pressure  of
               terms of the practical superiority    customs  and  traditions  or  the
               of material and spiritual means,      power  of  propaganda  on  the
               such as economic and weapons          other hand are its manifestations .
               resources, as well as the obedience      Various  forms  of  coercion
               of the people or in some cases,       also include:
               the  legitimizing  support  of            -  Social  pressure  including
               public opinion over other powers.            rational factors and irrational
                  Political  power,  along  with            factors
               the  formation  of  society,  is          -  Material obligation includes
               manifested through social relations          physical compulsion, compulsion
               and  is  exercised  in  a  higher            through personal attraction
               and more organized way along                 and economic compulsion
               with  the  transformation  and            -  Propaganda or compulsion
               complexity of societies.                     by persuasion
                  Power is basically based on
               two  factors:  coercion  and             Another  factor  and  source
               belief;  Of  course,  in  practice,   of  citizens  obedience  to  the
               belief  can  also  be  used  as  a    dominant power is the belief in
               coercive  factor;  because  the       the  role  of  power  or  those  in
               factor of coercion does not act       power;  a  citizen  who  believes
               alone  and  is  often  used  in       in the correctness, righteousness,
               conjunction  with  the  factor  of    and  service  of  the  rulers  of
               belief.  (Ghazi,  2019,  Vol.  1:     power,  more  or  less  respects
               207-212)                              the  achievements,  rules  and
                  Coercion means any external        standards  set  by  them  and  the
               factor  that  puts  pressure  on  a   ways and means of functioning
               person  from  outside  to  obey       of the governing body. (Ibid)
               the ruling class. This coercion
               is often material. The existence
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