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               120  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 107-131, Autumn 2020
                      of  the  last  50  years  of          actions to strengthen his
                      the Safavid dynasty.                  kingdom,  the  struggles
                   -  “History  of  the  World              of Sultan Ya'qub, brother
                      of    Amini's     Views”,             of Sultan Khalil and the
                      Roozbehan  ibn  Khanji                third child of Uzun Hasan
                      (1960); one of the first-             for  gaining  power,  the
                      hand  historical  sources             political and social situation
                      is  the  rule  of  the  Aq-           in  the  areas  under  the
                      Qoyunlu Turkoman, especially          rule  of  Sultan  Ya'qub,
                      during the reign of Sultan            his  conquests  and  the
                      Ya'qub, the son of Uzun               way  of  governing  the
                      Hasan, and the early rise             territory  of  the  rule  of
                      of the Safavid, especially            Sultan  Ya'qub  and  the
                      the  actions  of  Sheikh              rebellions  of  his  time
                      Junayd,  Sheikh  Haydar               and  the  suppression  of
                      and Shah Ismail and the               the opposition by him in
                      events of their time. The             detail  Sheikh  Safi  al-
                      opposition and resentment             Din  Ardabili  and  the
                      of  the  author  of  the              survivors,  the  struggles
                      book towards the Safavid              of  Sheikh  Junayd  and
                      dynasty  is  well  known              Sheikh  Haydar  to  gain
                      and  is  evident  in  the             political  and  military
                      contents of the book.                 power, power and moral
                         The  most  important               influence of Sheikh Junayd
                      historical  topics  of  the           and  Sheikh  Haydar  in
                      book  are  Uzun  Hasan                their followers and their
                      and  his  characteristics,            connection with the Uzun
                      disputes  after  his  death           Hasan  family,  their  wars
                      over the succession, how              with  the  Shirvanshah,
                      Sultan  Khalil  son  and              Sultan  Ya'qub  support
                      his successor Uzun Hasan              of  the  Shirvanshah  and
                      came  to  power  and  his
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