Page 118 - Pure Life 24
P. 118

History of the Basics of Sovereignty … M. Ridhaei et al / 117

                  The following discussion is            B.  Theories    of    Divine
               a brief look at the issue in the             Sovereignty
               context of power and belief :         The oldest belief in the origin
                                                     of  power  is  of  supernatural
                   A. The Theory of Sovereignty      origin,  to  the  extent  that
                      as  the  Foundation  of        Bossuet  has  defended  it  in
                      the Belief to Power            “Bibe”  politics.  According  to
               Sovereignty  is  the  supreme         this source, the power of rulers
               power  of  command  within            comes from the Creator of the
               society  and  the  power  of          universe,  and  the  will  of  the
               independence  and  denial  of         essence  of  God  is  involved  in
               dependence  outside  it  and          entrusting the task of rule and
               belongs to the highest authority.     the  source  of  power  to  an
                  This  authority  is  either  due   individual  or  to  a  particular
               to  a  supernatural  force  that  is   group  or  class.  This  is  the
               transmitted  by  the  highest         theory  that  has  come  to  be
               authorities  of  the  government      known  as  theocratic  sovereignty
               to  the  officials  and  lower        in the context of divine law .
               levels  according  to  the  rules        Theocratic  sovereignty  has
               and regulations of Sharia, or is      taken  three  different  forms
               raised and torn from the strata       throughout history, as follows :
               of  the  people,  which  starts           •  The Human-Divine Form:
               from  the  bottom  of  the  social           In  this  view,  the  ruler
               pyramid  and  turns  and  climbs             claims  a  divine  nature.
               to the top of the pyramid.                   He is clothed in human
                  In  the  first  view,  sovereignty        clothes and has descended
               has a descending aspect and in               on the earth to take the
               the  second  view  an  ascending             destiny  of  the  creators
               aspect.  The  totality  of  society          and  their  life  and  death
               depends on either of these two               in  his  power  and  to
               doctrines, which can guarantee               guide them according to
               the establishment, stability and             his will. Such rulers did
               permanence of power.
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