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               126  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 107-131, Autumn 2020

                      Kabir”  by  the  Safavid              Safavid  from  the  point
                      historian  Iskandar  Beg              of view of Europeans.
                      Munshi. This work, which           -  “Travelogues  of  the
                      is  a  kind  of  “Safavid             Venetians in Iran”, Zeno
                      General     History”    or            (2002);  it  consists  of  6
                      “Safavid Generality”, has             travelogues, 5 of which
                      a  special  place  among              were  written  by  4
                      the readers of the Safavid            Venetian ambassadors and
                      historical  period,  and  this,       one  by  an  unknown
                      of  course,  has  been                merchant from the same
                      doubled by its translation.           country.  These  people
                      This  work  is  important             came to Iran during the
                      book  because  it  deals              reign  of  Uzun  Hasan,
                      with     political,   social,         the  founder  of  the  Aq-
                      economic, cultural, artistic          Qoyunlu dynasty and Shah
                      and  commercial  issues,              Tahmasp, the second prince
                      and  since  most  of  the             of  the  Safavid  dynasty.
                      sources  used  by  the                The main mission of the
                      author are Western sources            ambassadors was to provoke
                      or  references,  it  can  be          Iran into a war with the
                      said  that  the  author               Ottomans  and  to  prevent
                      wrote Safavid history from            the  development  and
                      the perspective of strangers;         expansion of the Ottoman
                      although  Western  historians         Turks influence in Europe.
                      have  also  used  Persian                The  reports  of  this
                      sources, it must be said              group  are  a  complete
                      that  the  reconstruction             description  of  the  court
                      of  those  Persian  sources           of  Shah  Tahmasp  I.  In
                      has  been  done  in  a                their reports, they provide
                      Western  style;  so  this             interesting  information
                      work  is  the  history  of            about  the  regions  and
                                                            countries  of  Iran,  the
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