Page 126 - Pure Life 24
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History of the Basics of Sovereignty … M. Ridhaei et al / 125
the 7 volume collection of Toronto and his field
of Iranian history. The of work is Iranology,
book consists of 12 especially during the
chapters, each of which Safavid period, and he
has been written by one has written many books
of the experts and specialists in this field. What has
in Safavid history. occupied the author's
The material begins mind in this book is
with a study of the how the Sufi sects came
contexts of the emergence into being, why they
of the Safavid dynasty spread so much, and
in Iran and a description how the Sufi sect was
of its organizational system, able to gain many
and while analyzing the followers even beyond
causes and how the the borders of Iran.
Iranians began to contact This book consists of
the Europeans, he has 10 chapters in which it
researched in the field deals with theocracy,
of trade, science, religion, the reign of Shah Ismail
intellectual and philosophical I, internal conflicts and
and theological activities, foreign enemies, relations
textile, architecture and with the West, the
literature of Iran in this flourishing of art in this
period. The book concludes period, the social and
with photographs of economic structure of
works of art, architecture, the Safavid state and the
miniatures, as well as intellectual life of that
bibliography and a list period Safavids are discussed.
of persons . According to Savory,
- “Safavid Iran”, Savory the most important
(1999); he is a retired source about Safavid history
professor at the University is the book “Shah Abbas