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               128  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 107-131, Autumn 2020

                      4  years  in  Iran  left  for            In 1686, the first volume
                      India  and  then  went  to            of  his  travelogue  was
                      Europe  via  Cape  of                 published  in  London,
                      Omid Nik. At this time,               and its full volume was
                      Chardin  left  France  for            first  published  in  1711
                      England,  where  he  spent            as  the  “Chardin  Knight
                      the  rest  of  his  life,  due        Travelogue” in Iran and
                      to Louis XIV persecution              the  East  Indies  in
                      of Protestants.                       Amsterdam. Among the
                         During  this  period,              tourists who have come
                      he compiled notes of his              to Iran, the one who has
                      travels  and  because  he             been  able  to  write  the
                      was familiar with Persian             most comprehensive description
                      calligraphy and language,             of    the    social   and
                      he  used  many  texts  of             political  situation  in  Iran
                      manuscripts  in  compiling            is without a doubt Chardin,
                      the  contents  of  his                and  no  European  traveler
                      travelogue,  and  this  is            is  as  familiar  with  the
                      one  of  the  prominent               civilization  and  culture
                      advantages of his travelogue.         of Safavid Iran as Chardin.
                         The  disadvantage  of                 Chardin  travelogue  is
                      Chardin detailed travelogue           one  of  the  most  detailed
                      is  that  despite  knowing            and best travelogues and is
                      Persian  and  Turkish,                considered  one  of  the
                      which  was  common  in                most  useful  sources  in
                      some  cities  of  Iran  at            the history of Safavid era .
                      that  time,  he  did  not
                      penetrate  into  the  depths
                      of Iranian society due to
                      his    association     and
                      conversation with elders,
                      nobles and courtiers.
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